With respect, this is a very simplistic view of Africa.
You do not take into account the massive unemployment, mostly of young, educated Africans.
Nor do you speak of corruption, the activities of extremists such as Boko Haramor, or the ravages of climate change where drought has decimated the agricultural sector and the eastern coast has been hit by devastating hurricanes. And shortage of water has become a major threat to survival.
Infrastructure is one of the most critical element in developing Africa — road and rail connections to allow for the easy movement of goods.
Neither do you mention that recent creation of the Africa Free Trade Zone.
Export of natural resources will continue — but the mining industry is shrinking as demand for coal diminishes with the switch to renewable energy.
Africans have come up with many innovative technologies.
Diversification into manufacturing and technology is essential to growth.
As an example, motor manufacturing is a mainstay of our South African economy and accounts for 7% of GDP. Ford, BMW, Tata, General Motors, Audi, VW, Iveco and Nissan all have assembly plants here.
(And they are exported to Europe and other countries.)
Yes, there are many African brands of automobiles but the potential market on our continent will help grow the local industries.
Africa is rising — but not by doing the same things that didn’t work in the past.
We won’t be anything like Asia, because this is Africa.