The Dark Side of the Moon Still Shines After Fifty Years

Do not allow that oxymoron to confuse you!

Caroline de Braganza
4 min readMar 6, 2023
Image by Nesta592 on wikimedia commons

If you’re not a Pink Floyd fan, I’ll assume you’re not a baby boomer.

If you’re a younger fan, kudos to you for agreeing with my opinion, being older and wiser, that The Dark Side of the Moon is the best album Pink Floyd ever produced.

Their album hit the record stores in 1973 and celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. To date, the studio album has sold 45-million copies worldwide!

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame said in their introduction to Pink Floyd’s induction in 1996:

“Pink Floyd were the architects of two major music movements — psychedelic space-rock and blues-based progressive rock — and became known for their biting political, social and emotional commentary.”

It feels like only yesterday when my first husband and I spent the night in our converted 2 CV Citroen van parked on Hampstead Heath, an 800-acre park in London.

I was making morning tea while the album blasted forth from the car’s cassette player, when an English bobby stopped by.

I reduced the volume, did the British thing by offering him a cup of tea, which he declined. He was very kind, pointing out that it was against the law to…



Caroline de Braganza

Wise Older Woman (WOW). Poetry, essays, humor. Passion for mental health, social justice, politics, diverse cultures, the world and environment.