Member-only story
Reconciliation on the Horizon for Readers and Writers
We may not be breaking up after all — Medium is improving

We’re not holding hands yet, but I’m holding thumbs.
This is an up-date, a progress report — call it what you will — on the article I wrote a week ago.
The good news
Writer’s names are back on publications on Medium’s landing page. I noticed that welcome change on Tuesday.
That’s it.
Then why do I say Medium is improving?
Because they fixed the problem within a few days!
The not so good news
If you stopped by last time, you’ll remember the Lucky Eight — those 8 buttons on the top left of your Home screen.
But I still wonder why the same writers and publications keep appearing as soon as they’ve published new stories. I follow over 250 writers, so please Medium will you clarify how selection works and why only a fraction of people I follow reach the Lucky Eight.
Any chance that Medium could create separate buttons for Publications? A button announcing 50 or more posts from a large publication sends me scurrying off!