I'm sure you wrote this with the noblest intentions but your knowledge of the history of this continent (Africa) is limited. You are correct about yellow fever originating in Africa (around 3000 BC) but the continent has a rich history of culture and learning which you fail to mention.
You talk about Africans in the context of slavery as if they are some anthropological curiosity.
The very fact that you portray them as mostly poor and discriminated against demonstrates your inherent bias.
Neither do you explain the inherent causes of poverty in 21st century Africa - the plundering of mineral resources by the West, the despots, the wars, the tribalism. the cultural and class divisions, corruption; yes, poverty is rife on the continent of Africa, as it is in parts of Asia.
Only 40% of the continent has access to the internet.
However the continent also has a young, vibrant, creative and entrepreneurial population - we will with patience and determination reduce the poverty levels.
Steve Biko started the Black Consciousness Movement in South Africa back in 1969 and died in a police cell in 1977. I recommend you read his collection of essays and writing "I Write What I Like". A good way to being to understand African thinking and intellectual debate.