I was introduced to TM by my therapist in 1994. Hubby also began TM.
In 2001, after reading Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yoganandi, we joined the Self-Realisation Fellowship which he had founded in America in 1920.
We subscribed to the SRF lessons via mail (not email!) and practiced this meditation. However we only subscribed for a year as it became too expensive to pay in dollars with our weakening currency.
I also practiced Bikram Yoga for a year. I've started some of the poses again twenty years later - a
slow process to loosen up my creaky body, but I'll get there. Just without the heat of Bikram though with summer coming it gets pretty humid here.
I've tried different types of meditation but prefer silence. Stayed with TM because it works for me. Twenty minutes in the morning. I plan to start evening sessions again as twice a day is more beneficial.
Back to TM ever since.