I owned many different guitars over the years, but only one at a time and I can't remember the brands, except for my first and last. My guitars were mostly acoustic and nylon strings as I loved finger picking and steel strings cut my fingers. I once once a twelve-string steel guitar but played it with a plectrum.
Another time, when I wanted to form a band, I bought an electric guitar but the guys I enlisted had such huge ego's, band practice was always a contest between the bass player and the drummer so we never got around to arranging and performing my songs. I got rid of them and the electric guitar and all the equipment I'd bought - including an awesome Fender amp.
My first purchase was a Hofner six-string acoustic and my last was a Yamaha solid top classic nylon acoustic. I loved the dulcet sound of that guitar and wept when I sold it. She deserved to be played and had sat neglected in her hard case leaning against the wall for two years before I could bring myself to let go.
I could no longer play because of the arthritis in my hands which even makes hitting the correct letters on my keyboard a challenge!
Thanks for sharing your GAS.