I noticed one of those Whats App incidents a couple of months. Someone was impersonating a writer whose article I'd commented on. asking me in the comments to contact them on WhatsApp. I couldn't report or block it myself but warned the writer about it.
I've noticed a recent situation - three so far - where a person gives one clap to my story, doesn't read it, then follows me.
When I check their About section, they are not paying members but seem to be using Medium as a free platform for promoting their business. If it happens again, I will email Medium.
Another strange incident the other day - someone with a middle eastern name followed me and responded to my story - but it was written in Arabic??
From past experience, I appreciate Medium's fast action. I reported a publication that was spreading fake news about activists in eSwatini (Swaziland) and they removed the publication within a day.