Brilliant essay James.
The same holds true in other countries - including South Africa. I've encountered covidiots in my neighborhood. One who takes ivermectin daily, believing it kills SARS-Covid-2, another neighor told us he wouldn't allow us in his house after we were vaccinated - because he didn't want to catch covid from us???
However, the majority of SAns believe in the science. Our vaccine rollout is progressing well after a slow start due to shortages. (Biden has donated 5-millions Pfizer vaccines to us - a man of his word!)
Of course, in the US, the anti-vaxxers are also driven by the drivel pouring out of GOP politicians.
Gov. Ron de Santis in Florida is a prime example. The state accounts for 20% of daily cases in the US, hospital beds are filling up, 95% in ICU or who die, are unvaccinated. But he insists it's seasonal, signs executive orders forbidding businesses to demand proof of vaccination, or school districts imposing mask mandates on students or he will withhold state funding. The latest is that Covid is being brought in by illegal immigrants at the southern border!